Ukraine: Import and export for January - November 2017

According to the analysis of data by the Federal Customs Service of Ukraine, conducted by CementInfo.Ru, in 11 months (January - November) 2017:

  • import of pebbles, gravel, crushed stone (HS code 2517) has made 186 325 MT for total value of $11 642 thousand, export - 7 002 135 MT for total value of $41 185 thousand
  • import of portland cement, cement (HS code 2523) has made 1 196 732 MT for total value of $50 522 thousand, export - 247 616 MT for total value of $9 817 thousand
  • import of asbestos (HS code 2524) has made 13 646 MT for total value of $6 465 thousand, export - 3 MT for total value of $2 thousand
  • import of fireproof cements (HS code 3816) has made 41 018 MT for total value of $42 820 thousand, export - 1 813 MT for total value of $1 663 thousand

Import and export of Ukraine for January - November 2017

Commodity Import Export Balance
Value, 1000$ Volume, MT Value, 1000$ Volume, tn
pebbles, gravel, crushed stone 11 642 186 325 41 185 7 002 135 29 543
portland cement, cement 50 522 1 196 732 9 817 247 616 -40 705
asbestos 6 465 13 646 2 3 -6 463
fireproof cements 42 820 41 018 1 663 1 813 -41 157


Import of Ukraine for January - November 2017 by country

Group Commodity Country Volume in money equivalent, USD
1000$ Market share In the reporting month (1000$)
2517 pebbles, gravel, crushed stone Turkey 5977 51.34% 455
    Belarus 1425 12.24% 143
    Greece 1056 9.07%  
    other countries 3184 27.35% 428
2523 portland cement, cement Russian Federation 24461 48.42% 2572
    Belarus 13113 25.96% 1236
    Poland 3090 6.12% 95
    other countries 9858 19.51% 719
2524 asbestos Kazakhstan 4884 75.55% 883
    Russian Federation 1581 24.45% 220
3816 fireproof cements Germany 11916 27.83% 1574
    China 6890 16.09% 608
    Czech Republic 5338 12.47% 435
    other countries 18676 43.62% 2567


Export of Ukraine for January - November 2017 by country

Group Commodity Country Volume in money equivalent, USD
1000$ Market share In the reporting month (1000$)
2517 pebbles, gravel, crushed stone Belarus 26341 63.96% 3324
    Russian Federation 12053 29.27% 2081
    Poland 2101 5.10% 118
    other countries 690 1.68% 126
2523 portland cement, cement Romania 3756 38.26% 497
    Belarus 2202 22.43% 411
    Hungary 1851 18.85% 243
    other countries 2009 20.46% 26
2524 asbestos Moldova 2 100.00%  
3816 fireproof cements Russian Federation 1332 80.05% 181
    Poland 98 5.89% 21
    Moldova 92 5.53% 14
    other countries 142 8.53% 10


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