Average price of portland cement from manufacturers (excluding VAT) in February 2021

According to Rosstat data, processed by CementInfo.Ru, average price of portland cement from manufacturers (excluding VAT) in February 2021 practically has not changed, remaining over the month at 3745.2 RUB/MT (in previous month - 3755.8 RUB/MT, in February 2020 - 3328.8 RUB/MT)

Average price of portland cement without additives from manufacturers (excluding VAT) decreased to 3754,7 RUB/MT in February 2021 (-0.37% vs. previous month, +2.22% vs. February 2020 and -0.09% vs. December 2020). Average price of portland cement with additives from manufacturers (excluding VAT) increased to 3717,6 RUB/MT in February 2021 (+0.13% vs. previous month, +0.28% vs. February 2020 and +0.08% vs. December 2020)

Average price of portland cement from manufacturers (excluding VAT) , RUB/MT

Region price. RUB/MT (excluding VAT) to the previous month.% for 12 months.% since the beginning of the year. %
All Russia 3745.23 -0.28 12.51 1.66
Central Federal District 3565.64 0.46 3.68 2.39
North-West Federal District 3837.77 -1.78 -0.32 -0.43
Southern Federal District 3971.03 -0.55 -0.23 -0.06
North-Caucasian Federal District 3840.6 1.55 -5.56 2.24
Privolzhsky Federal District 3477.66 -1.3 2.18 2.32
Ural Federal District 3429.88 -1.19 11.05 -1.02
Siberian Federal District 4704.99 -1.05 21.54 6.48
Far Eastern Federal District 4368.77 -2.63 1.13 -1.05

Average price of portland cement without additives from manufacturers (excluding VAT) , RUB/MT

Region price. RUB/MT (excluding VAT) to the previous month.% for 12 months.% since the beginning of the year. %
All Russia 3754.67 -0.37 2.22 -0.09
Central Federal District 3569.68 0.14 -3.55 -4.05
Southern Federal District 3936.45 0.23 0.63 0.33
North-Caucasian Federal District 4096.43 2.05 -6.85 3.63
Privolzhsky Federal District 3451.28 -1.43 2.48 2.12
Ural Federal District 3502.95 -0.75 13.87 0.4
Siberian Federal District 4677.64 -1.37 22.45 6.7
Far Eastern Federal District 4364.14 -2.67 1.29 -0.99

Average price of portland cement with additives from manufacturers (excluding VAT) , RUB/MT

Region price. RUB/MT (excluding VAT) to the previous month.% for 12 months.% since the beginning of the year. %
All Russia 3717.59 0.13 0.28 0.08
Central Federal District 3558.72 1.09 0.17 -0.38
Southern Federal District 4095.64 -1.86 -0.92 -0.62
North-Caucasian Federal District 3592.25 -0.7 0.67 1.5
Privolzhsky Federal District 3863.48 4.1 5.4 5.93
Siberian Federal District 4901.05 0.75 14.8 3.29


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