Ukraine: Import and export for 10 months of 2021

According to the analysis of data by the Federal Customs Service of Ukraine, conducted by CementInfo.Ru, in 10 months (January - October) 2021:

  • Export of pebbles, gravel, crushed stone (HS code 2517) has made total 2 399 227 MT, in October only - 277 042 MT. Import of pebbles, gravel, crushed stone (HS code 2517) has made total 561 282 MT, in October only - 73 968 MT.
  • Export of portland cement, cement (HS code 2523) has made total 912 656 MT, in October only - 76 430 MT. Import of portland cement, cement (HS code 2523) has made total 642 281 MT, in October only - 74 891 MT.
  • Export and import of Ukraine in 10 months 2021 (main countries)

    HS code Good/Country Export Import
    Weight (MT) Value (thousand $) Weight (MT) Value (thousand $)
    2517 galley, gravey, crush (total) 2 399 227 24 070 561 282 19 388
    Belarus 358 758 5 437 278 169 6 253
    Poland 204 354 2 336 1 231 226
    Moldova 191 136 1 512 410 11
    Russia 1 644 163 14 736 27 683 1 442
    Romania 0 0 80 610 1 061
    Turkey 0 0 146 728 6 993
    2523 portlandcement, cement (total) 912 656 40 471 642 281 36 490
    Bulgaria 0 0 38 023 2 137
    Lithuania 5 922 358 22 185 1 581
    Poland 82 954 3 961 953 743
    Moldova 79 056 3 608 2 146 128
    Romania 574 211 25 314 7 1
    Slovakia 36 223 1 784 849 145
    Turkey 0 0 567 847 28 774
    Hungary 134 009 5 401 0 0
    2524 asbestos (total) 0 0 3 170 1 049
    Kazakhstan 0 0 2 531 754
    Russia 0 0 638 294
    3816 refractory cement (total) 2 834 2 098 39 590 43 124
    Belarus 1 089 532 0 0
    China 0 0 6 484 7 836
    Germany 33 90 8 439 11 991
    Russia 394 380 3 349 3 110
    Slovakia 0 0 7 995 5 398
    Slovenia 0 0 1 729 2 757
    Turkey 0 0 2 470 1 500
    France 5 0 2 961 3 708


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