Average price of concrete from manufacturers (excluding VAT) in June 2023

According to Rosstat data, processed by CementInfo.Ru, average price of concrete from manufacturers (excluding VAT) increased YOY by 12.80% in June 2023 and have made 5.3 thsnd. RUB/MT (in June 2022 - 4.7 thsnd. RUB/MT, in previous month - 5.2 thsnd. RUB/MT)

Average price of concrete from manufacturers (excluding VAT) , RUB/MT

Region price. RUB/MT (excluding VAT) to the previous month.% for 12 months.% YTD. %
All Russia 5306.33 2.81 12.8 4.83
Central Federal District 5257.2 -1.19 12.25 9.16
North-West Federal District 5652.54 -2.37 15.33 16.02
Southern Federal District 4468.19 1.86 3.31 -4.48
North-Caucasian Federal District 4274 -13.69 47.09 28.29
Privolzhsky Federal District 5084.46 8.01 22.95 13.11
Ural Federal District 4483.36 10.49 5.23 -22.66
Siberian Federal District 5723.13 1.05 19.33 7.86
Far Eastern Federal District 6069.59 3.35 16.36 7.27



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