Kazakhstan: Production of portland cement in January - June, 2024

According to the analysis of Statkom of Kazakhstan, conducted by CementInfo.Ru, production of portland cement decreased YoY by 3.96% in June 2024 and have made 1316 тыс. т (in June 2023 - 1370 тыс. т, in previous month - 1288 тыс. т). Total 5435 тыс. т of portland cement have been produced in January-June 2024 (in January-June 2023 - 5635 тыс. т).

Production of portland cement in Kazakhstan, 1000 MT
Month / Year 2024 2023 2022 2021
jan 375 341.7 489.5 506.5
feb 573.3 585.7 689 740.9
mar 785.1 908.1 1029.6 879.2
apr 1097.7 1091.1 1117.2 1145.5
may 1288.4 1338.5 1325.3 1382.9
jun 1315.5 1369.8 1261.5 1410.2
jul 1329.8 1379.7 1376.2
aug 1326 1271.3 1341.9
sep 1235.2 1161.1 1255
oct 1167.4 1138.2 1165.4
nov 881.8 762.4 833.5
dec 575.9 463.3 612.2
Total 5435 12151 12088.1 12649.4




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