Belarus: Export and import for January - March

According to the Federal Customs Service of Belarus, conducted by Cementinfo.Ru, in 3 months (January - March) 2018:

  • export of galley, gravey, crush (HS code 2517) has made 3142.0 thousand MT (120.00% compared to the same period in 2017); import - 1560.0 thousand MT (119.40% compared to the same period in 2017)
  • export of portlandcement, cement (HS code 2523) has made 269.0 thousand MT (87.10% compared to the same period in 2017); import - 76636.0 MT (185.50% compared to the same period in 2017)
  • import of asbestos (HS code 2524) has made 1406.0 MT (3.3 times compared to the same period in 2017)
  • export of refractory cement (HS code 3816) has made 10301.0 kg (61.70% compared to the same period in 2017); import - 4218.0 MT (136.20% compared to the same period in 2017)
Export of the Republic of Belarus for January - March 2018 by main countries
HS Code Commodity / country Unit January - March 2017 January - March 2018 Change by, %
QTY Value, $1000 Price ave, $ QTY Value, $1000 Price ave, $ QTY Value Price ave
2517 galley, gravey, crush 1000 MT 2619 19050.8 7274 3142 26587.5 8462 120 139.6 116.3
  CIS countries 1000 MT 2462 17952.8 7292 2708 23065.4 8517 110 128.5 116.8
  member states of the EEU 1000 MT 2446 17504 7155 2692 22715.5 8439 110 129.8 117.9
  Russian Federation 1000 MT 2446 17504 7155 2692 22715.5 8439 110 129.8 117.9
  Countries outside the CIS 1000 MT 157 1098 6998 434 3522.1 8120 276.4 3.2 times 116
  of which the EU countries 1000 MT 157 1098 6998 434 3522.1 8120 276.4 3.2 times 116
  Lithuania 1000 MT 155 1083.8 6984 262 2079.4 7937 168.8 191.9 113.6
  Poland 1000 MT 2 12.9 7766 172 1442.7 8400 103 times 112 times 108.2
2523 Cement 1000 MT 309 14245.9 46076 269 14006 52019 87.1 98.3 112.9
  CIS countries 1000 MT 272 12614.7 46311 234 12007.1 51352 85.8 95.2 110.9
  member states of the EEU 1000 MT 223 10716 48170 193 10308.5 53426 86.7 96.2 110.9
  Russian Federation 1000 MT 222 10691.4 48088 192 10202.9 53044 86.5 95.4 110.3
  Ukraine 1000 MT 50 1898.7 38027 41 1698.6 41563 81.9 89.5 109.3
  Countries outside the CIS 1000 MT 37 1631.2 44337 35 1998.9 56419 96.3 122.5 127.3
  of which the EU countries 1000 MT 37 1631.2 44337 35 1998.9 56419 96.3 122.5 127.3
  Lithuania 1000 MT 21 923.3 44510 15 902.7 59356 73.3 97.8 133.4
  Poland 1000 MT 16 690.9 43939 18 944 53876 111.4 136.6 122.6
3816 refractory cement kg 16708 46.4 3 10301 22.1 2 61.7 47.6 77.3
  CIS countries kg 16708 46.4 3 10251 21.9 2 61.4 47.2 76.9
  member states of the EEU kg 16008 46 3 10251 21.9 2 64 47.6 74.3
  Armenia kg - - - 3500 9.9 3      
  Russian Federation kg 16008 46 3 6751 12 2 42.2 26.1 61.9
  Ukraine kg 700 0.4 1 - - -      


Import of the Republic of Belarus for January - March 2018 by main countries
HS Code Commodity / country Unit January - March 2017 January - March 2018 Change by, %
QTY Value, $1000 Price ave, $ QTY Value, $1000 Price ave, $ QTY Value Price ave
2517 galley, gravey, crush 1000 MT 1306 7839.7 6003 1560 11175.7 7165 119.4 142.6 119.4
  CIS countries 1000 MT 1304 7579.4 5814 1557 10847.5 6966 119.5 143.1 119.8
  Ukraine 1000 MT 1283 6594.7 5141 1520 9355.7 6156 118.5 141.9 119.7
2523 Cement MT 41318 1956 47 76636 4014.7 52 185.5 205.3 110.6
  CIS countries MT 27003 1178.4 44 57057 2593.9 45 211.3 220.1 102.3
  member states of the EEU MT 21786 968 44 28457 1346.2 47 130.6 139.1 106.8
  Russian Federation MT 21786 968 44 27135 1264.6 47 124.6 130.6 106.8
  Ukraine MT 5217 210.4 40 28601 1247.7 44 5.5 times 5.9 times 110
  Countries outside the CIS MT 14315 777.6 54 19578 1420.8 73 136.8 182.7 135.2
  of which the EU countries MT 13693 690.5 50 16835 978.8 58 122.9 141.8 116
  Latvia MT 983 42.2 43 4594 219.4 48 4.7 times 5.2 times 111.6
  Lithuania MT 12171 544.4 45 11834 652.4 55 97.2 119.8 122.2
  Turkey MT 622 87.1 140 2744 442 161 4.4 times 5.1 times 115
2524 asbestos MT 420 142.5 339 1406 457.2 325 3.3 times 3.2 times 95.9
  CIS countries MT 420 142.5 339 1406 457.2 325 3.3 times 3.2 times 95.9
  member states of the EEU MT 420 142.5 339 1406 457.2 325 3.3 times 3.2 times 95.9
  Russian Federation MT 420 142.5 339 1406 457.2 325 3.3 times 3.2 times 95.9
3816 refractory cement MT 3096 2317.5 748 4218 3065 727 136.2 132.3 97.2
  CIS countries MT 1723 1280.1 743 2469 1865.7 756 143.3 145.7 101.7
  member states of the EEU MT 1720 1275.6 741 2389 1810.1 758 138.9 141.9 102.3
  Russian Federation MT 1720 1275.6 741 2389 1810.1 758 138.9 141.9 102.3
  Countries outside the CIS MT 1373 1037.4 756 1749 1199.3 686 127.4 115.6 90.7
  of which the EU countries MT 1305 994.7 762 1747 1190.3 681 133.8 119.7 89.4
  Austria MT 520 434.8 836 146 151.4 1035 28.1 34.8 123.8
  Germany MT 141 158.5 1124 168 211.6 1259 119.2 133.5 112
  Poland MT 5 4.5 900 619 367.7 594 124 times 82 times 66
  Slovakia MT 604 323.1 535 800 416.6 521 132.5 128.9 97.4


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