Ukraine: Import and export for 5 months of 2020 by main countries

According to the analysis of data by the Federal Customs Service of Ukraine, conducted by CementInfo.Ru, in 5 months (January - May) 2020:

  • Export of pebbles, gravel, crushed stone (HS code 2517) has made total 1 376 618 MT, in May only - 250 375 MT. Import of pebbles, gravel, crushed stone (HS code 2517) has made total 142 598 MT, in May only - 43 017 MT.
  • Export of portland cement, cement (HS code 2523) has made total 268 799 MT, in May only - 86 637 MT. Import of portland cement, cement (HS code 2523) has made total 380 502 MT, in May only - 121 935 MT.
  • Import of asbestos (HS code 2524) has made total 2 494 MT, in May only - 440 MT.
  • Export of fireproof cements (HS code 3816) has made total 1 004 MT, in May only - 446 MT. Import of fireproof cements (HS code 3816) has made total 19 719 MT, in May only - 3 771 MT.
  • Export and import of Ukraine in 5 months 2020 (main countries)

    HS code Good/Country Export Import
    Weight (MT) Value (thousand $) Weight (MT) Value (thousand $)
    2517 galley, gravey, crush (total) 1 376 618 12 316 142 598 5 679
    Belarus 213 839 2 253 39 043 970
    Greece 0 0 6 402 504
    Poland 54 147 550 220 32
    Moldova 55 375 438 0 0
    Russia 1 052 251 8 966 2 733 201
    Romania 0 0 35 349 369
    Turkey 0 0 51 893 2 882
    2523 portlandcement, cement (total) 268 799 11 348 380 502 19 641
    Belarus 9 716 512 0 0
    Bulgaria 0 0 11 898 632
    Poland 23 867 1 109 512 427
    Moldova 32 001 1 360 7 1
    Romania 129 269 5 319 0 0
    Slovakia 24 243 1 096 359 58
    Turkey 0 0 354 797 16 928
    Hungary 49 044 1 915 0 0
    2524 asbestos (total) 0 0 2 494 1 188
    Kazakhstan 0 0 2 230 1 083
    3816 refractory cement (total) 1 004 528 19 719 19 427
    Austria 0 0 806 540
    China 0 0 2 889 3 447
    Germany 4 2 5 539 6 517
    Russia 199 95 986 815
    Slovakia 0 0 4 500 2 943
    Slovenia 0 0 1 173 1 680
    Turkey 0 0 678 478
    France 1 0 1 024 1 260


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